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Communication project of Electrical Power and Energy

Telecontrol signal transmission scheme of Huashan Hydropower Station


Huashan Hydropower Station is located in Pengwu, Huashan Village, Lintan Township, Chongyi County, Jiangxi Province. Due to the development needs of power stations, it is necessary to upload automated remote signals to Zhangzhou.

Conditions / Environment:

Since the hydropower station is far away from the remote control of Zhangzhou, it is difficult and costly to construct a transmission channel between the two places. Finally, the nearest station access mode is selected, and a standard E1/2M line is rented to the local telecom operator for transmission. With the nearest substation as a transit station, through the docking mode of Guangzhou Yinxun's PCM equipment and the existing Huawei PCM equipment of the nearest power station, the voice and analog telecontrol signals are uploaded to the local area.


Telecontrol signal transmission scheme of Huashan Hydropower Station

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