Germany R&S GB4000V remote control box and XU4200 VHF radio are one of the commonly used VHF in Chinese domestic civil aviation airports. In general, the XU4200 radio station is installed at the remote station, the GB4000V remote control box is installed at the central office air traffic control building, and optical fiber or E1 line is provided between the central office and the remote end to realize the remote communication requirement between the GB4000V remote control box and the XU4200 radio station.
In response to the special application needs of domestic airport customers, our company has developed ZMUX series integrated service access equipment for airport customers, and has successfully transmitted the German R&S GB4000V and XU4200 radio services.
Our company according to the various transmission conditions and requirements provided by the airport customers, it is recommended to select the corresponding products to meet the remote communication requirements of GB4000V remote control box and XU4200 VHF radio.
1) Customers only provide single-channel fiber or single-channel E1 line transmission.
Guangzhou Yinxun Company recommends that one unit ZMUX-3032 or ZMUX-3030 integrated service access device be installed at the central office and the remote station to realize the communication transmission between GB4000V and XU4200. The networking diagram is as follows:
Network diagram of GB4000V and XU4200 optical fiber communication system
Network diagram of GB4000V and XU4200 E1 transmission
2)Customers can provide:
a) dual-channel fiber optic 1+1 backup protection transmission
b) dual-channel E1 line 1+1 backup protection transmission
c) one channel terrestrial fiber and one channel airborne microwave E1 1+1 backup protection transmission.
For the two channel main and spare transmission line provided by customers, Guangzhou Yinxun Company has specially developed ZMUX-3036 series products, which can meet the switching function of the two-channel transmission channel, ensuring the high-frequency data reliability of important airport transmission. The networking diagram is as follows:
a)Dual optical fiber main and spare backup protection transmission
GB4000V and XU4200 dual optical protection transmission network diagram
b)Two channel E1 line main and spare backup protection transmission
Network diagram of GB4000V and XU4200 E1 transmission
c)One channel ground fiber and one channel airborne microwave E1 main and spare protection Transmission
Guangzhou Yinxun ZMUX-3036 series products also support centralized monitoring function. Customers can monitor and manage the whole network equipment in the terminal air traffic control building. It can monitor two transmission line status,line protection switching status, VHF port monitoring.
The customer can query the fault log to query the fault of the main or spare transmission line and the VHF port fault for a certain period of time. The device alarm mode supports illuminating indicator alarm,monitoring system audible alarm,mobile phone short message alarm notification.
Guangzhou Yinxun has also successfully transmitted a number of well-known brand radio stations, such as: Italian OTE AK-100 and DTR-100, German R&S's old GB409 and XU250, British PAE VHF radio, Norwegian JOTRON VHF Radio, Japan Kenwood Radio, New Zealand Daji Radio, Australian Spectrum Corporation MX800 Radio, and more.
Guangzhou Yinxun ZMUX series integrated service access equipment adopts modular design, one VHF module corresponds to one VHF interface, each module works completely independently, and the failure of one VHF module does not affect other VHF interface works normally. The equipment provides 30 universal module slots to support the intermixing of various business modules, which can solve the various business needs of airport customers in one stop, such as: automatic meteorological observation, automatic transfer data, weather radar data, glide beacon, heading letter Marking machine, DME range finder, omnidirectional beacon, pointing beacon, non-directional beacon, synchronous radar data, VHF VHF radio, internal system, CAN data, telephone, OA office network, monitoring data ,and many more.
Guangzhou Yinxun products have been widely used in more than 100 domestic airport customer network communication systems, such as: Inner Mongolia Air Traffic Control, Gansu Air Traffic Control, Shanxi Air Traffic Control, Yunnan Air Traffic Control, Southwest Air Traffic Control, Central South Air Traffic Control, etc. And the device transmission is stable and reliable, and the user is unanimously affirmed.